Your Auckland Airbnb listing is live, and the bookings are coming in, but what can you do to stand out from the crowd and generate good reviews? Check out our top tips:

1. Manage Expectations

It is really important that your Airbnb listing accurately matches your offering. As tempting as it is to over sell your property, dishonest listings can lead to underwhelmed guests and bad reviews. Be upfront about additional fees, such as cleaning and service so your guests don’t receive unexpected fees.

2. Keep it clean

We’ve all been there, checking into a hotel room, or Airbnb property which hasn’t been properly cleaned between guests. Keeping your space clean and organised will greatly increase your chances of positive reviews and repeat bookings. Now more than ever it's important to ensure the safety of guests. We use government cleaning guidelines to ensure our apartments are cleaned and sanitised to the highest standard. You can find these guidelines here.

3. Be flexible with your check-in and check-out process

A stress-free check in/out process will do you wonders in winning the favour of your guests. There are lots of ways to make this process seamless, from keys in a lock box at the property, to welcoming the guests on arrival and showing them around the space. Whatever works for you, make sure to keep your guests interests in mind when communicating this process.

4. Anticipate your guests needs

Is your property near the beach? You could make sure there are clean beach towels and sunscreen readily available. Does the space get cold in winter? Stack spare blankets on the beds and couches to make sure your guests are comfortable during their stay. These little thoughtful extras will make your booking stand out from the crowd. Read our full inventory set-up guide for a successful short-term rental here.

5. Be reachable in case guests need to contact you

It’s crucial that you are available should your guests need you during their stay. If something goes wrong, be on hand to fix it quickly. Make a note of the repetitive questions your guests are asking, and leave a property ‘how to’ guide on site. A manual that clearly explains any quirks will save you time answering the same questions for each guest (such as the Wifi password).

If your Airbnb was bought as an investment to earn some extra income, you may not have the time to keep fully on top of your hosting duties alongside your everyday job. This is where a property management service could step in and save you the hassle.

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