More about this property
Welcome to this exquisite 1-bedroom apartment that exudes elegance and comfort in every corner. Nestled in a sought-after location, this residence offers a sanctuary of style and sophistication. Upon entering, you are greeted by an ambiance that is both inviting and cozy. The minimal aesthetic and use of bold and rich colours create a stunning visual contrast, instantly enveloping you in a sense of harmony. The city fringe location boasts utmost convenience and excitement.
Property Location
155 Beaumont Street, Auckland, Auckland 1010, New Zealand
Other things to know
Respect your neighbours.
Respect all property.
Reduce any noise after 10pm.
Do not partake in smoking or drug use.
Do not exceed the number of guests permitted to stay in the accommodation on the listing.
Do not hold a party or event without seeking permission prior to booking.
Be a part of the Urban Butler and building community.
Check In & Out
Check in: 15:00
Check out: 11:00
Weekly discount: 5%
Monthly discount: 10%